1. Create menu and add categories for different types of food.
2. Hide menu items if they are out of stock or not available.
3. Reorder menu categories and items easily.
4. Assign different printers for your kitchen and cash counter.
2. Find out fast moving menu items.
3. Find out detailed information like payment method, date, etc. For any food order.
4. Download and view reports on your device.
1. Customers can see order before payment.
2. All order details are visible discounts, taxes etc.
2. Simply Send your Orders to the kitchen with Kitchen Display. (Coming Soon)
2. Not every staff member at your QSR has the same roles and responsibilities. POSPOINTE user roles helps you in creating and managing a proper classification of each user’s role at your QSR, thus effectively securing your information.
1. Cash - in Cash - Out
2. Opening and closing balance
3. Shift reports
Control your business from anywhere
Centralized digital control panel that empowers businesses to efficiently manage their retail operations from anywhere with internet access. It provides real-time access to vital data, such as sales figures, inventory levels, and customer transactions, allowing for informed decision-making.
Free Cloud Portal
Login to your portal and manage your from anywhere with our Cloud Portal.
Your sales, product and reports are always available, safe, and up to date.
Pospointe POS systems come with many built-in features so you can set up your business right away and right-size it for your needs.
Cloud-based for good reason. Track your sales, refunds, deposits, and run reports, wherever you are or need to be.
Payment Integration
Our DLS Certified Payment Terminals will allow you to accept Credit Cards securely from POS itself.
Multiple Payment Method
Cash, Check, EMV Credit card payments, Gift Cards, Accounts Receivable Charges, Store Credits, Custom Tenders.
24/7 Free Tech Support and Integrations
Our Dedicated Tech Support Team Available 24/7 to provide tech support anytime.